The club achieved Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) status (SC045559) on March 22nd 2015 and began to run as an independent charity. All of the team involved in running Leith Community Archers are all volunteers and most of them have been a part of Leith Community Archers(LCA) since its inception in 2013.
LCA was a successful result of a community project across Scotland called Link Up in 2013. Inspiring Leith, run by Inspiring Scotland organised recreational and sports activities for local communities in Scotland. Bethany Christian Trust in Leith hosted the community showing of the film 'Brave' and the Archery taster sessions.
The main aims and objectives of the Club are to encourage the community to take part and share skills in Archery, as a recreation or sport. LCA provide, organise and facilitate Archery as a recreational activity to benefit and improve the wellbeing of those who attend. Anyone is welcome, LCA is inclusive and accessible and we encourage children, young people, people with disabilities or health issues. We have welfare officers as part of the team to provide help and advice and to ensure safeguarding.
The LCA team consists of board members, volunteer instructors, welfare officers and regular attendees.
Leith Community Archers (SCIO) are registered with OSCR (Scottish Charities Register). A copy of the LCA constitution can be found here. Members can be voted into a board position at the AGM to lead the direction of the club. We are part of Archery GB and Archery Scotland and our focus is on indoor archery using Recurve bows.
For more information contact us. at
Meet the team
David Burnett
David is committee Chair and a qualified archery instructor.
Dave is on his second term as Chair of LCA and has been instructing with us for 10 years.
Kath Fyvie
Welfare Officer
Kath is the Welfare officer of LCA and is a qualified instructor, She served 4 years as the Chair ending in 2023.
Kath is also an ambassador for Archery GB.
David Holm
David is a qualified archery instructor and committee member, having been instructing with LCA for 4 years.
David is the club Secretary for LCA
George Fyvie
Treasurer and Fundraiser
George is serving his second term as Treasurer for LCA, and is a qualified instructor. He has been instructing with LCA for 8 years.
"I first tried archery at school – coincidentally the school we now shoot in, the year it was built! I found out about Leith Community Archers not long after it was formed and Kath, Amy and I came along for a family session. We were immediately hooked."
Christopher Fox
Equipment Officer
Chris is equipment officer for LCA and is a qualified instructor. He has been instructing with LCA for 1 year.
"I’m originally from Australia but have lived in Scotland since 2014 . I joined and started volunteering in 2018. I joined the committee the following year and completed my instructor trading in 2022. On my free time when I’m not volunteering I enjoy getting out and running. I ran London Marathon raising money for Leith Community Archers in 2021"
Ewelina Kaminska
Social Media officer
First tried archery during the lockdown and absolutely fell in love with it! Becoming a part of this community-driven club has transformed my life and it's incredible to see the club grow in numbers with enthusiasts of all age groups!
Amadeo Rasul
Bookings Officer / Social Media
Amadéo is a qualified instructor with LCA and enjoys teaching persons about everything archery. Amadéo is in charge of our booking system and a committed member of the team.
"I started doing archery in 2022 with LCA, having always wanted to do it but never has the opportunity. I began shooting barebow and now focus on Olympic Style Recurve and Compound Archery. I aim to continue progressing and represent the club at competitions very soon. I want to see the club continue growing and evolving in the years to come. Feel free to stop and ask me anything relating to archery or equipment or recommendations 🙂 "
Keith Murray
Website officer
Keith is a qualified instructor for LCA and one of the core people keeping all of our back of house admin together.