Archery terms

Below is a list of Archery terms that will educate, fascinate and allow you to wow your friends with your newly gained knowledge of Archery terms and facts! You know they will thank you for it...perhaps.

Ever wanted to know what Want to know where the nock is? Discover where the name Fletcher came from? Are you an Ambi-Ocular archer? Do you want to know where the belly or the face of the bow is? Do you want to know what a Bowyer does? Why should you never dry-fire a bow? Should you be afraid of a Field Captain? Can you put your limbs on the riser the right way?  Have you ever had to Let Down a bow? Do you know where the nock point is?

Below is an A to Z of Archery terms.  Some will become familiar to you, and some you will never need or hear uttered by Leith Community Archers instructors or volunteers.  Archery is an ancient activity, and the origin of some surnames, words, and phrases we use today have originated from archery terms.

Fletcher was the name of the person who used to put flights on the arrows and Bowman was more simply an Archer.  Today Fletcher has become a common surname as has Bowman (Archer), similar to Smith (Blacksmith), Fisher (fisherman), and Cooper (barrel maker). For more information, you could visit the Wikipedia page on Archery.  There you will find lots of interesting facts about Archery.

Why not add another string to your bow, or add another arrow to the quiver and read on?

Archery terms

There are currently 27 names in this directory beginning with the letter B.
The part of the bow that is away from the bow string.
Backed Bow
This is when you have a bow that has extra material on the back of the bow, doing so gives it increased strength.
Barbed Arrow
This is when a arrow has barbs on and is only used in hunting or bowfishing. An arrow like this is used so that it will not come out.
Bare Shaft
Often used to tune a bow, this is when you have an arrow shaft and the fletching has been removed.
A bow that uses no additional accessories such as sight, stabilizers and release aid. This style of shooting is growing in popularity.
Barreled Arrow
When the ends of the bow are smaller than the middle, like a wooden barrel.
Belly Or Face
In modern archery this is often called the face. It is the side of the bow that is facing the bow string, or otherwise the side of the bow that you are looking at.
A much shorter and heavier arrow, these are used when shooting from a crossbow.
Found in target archery, this is the backing of the target. It is often made of compressed foam or straw and is used to stop the arrow.
This is the name we give an arrow that falls out when it hits the target.
Hopefully self explanatory if you are on an archery website, however a bow is curved wood or fibreglass. It features a string that is attached to each end of the bow and is used for shooting arrows.
Bow Arm/Hand
This is the hand or arm that you use to hold the bow. If you are right handed then it will be your left hand and visa versa.
Bow Case
A case that you use to carry your bow, arrows and accessories in.
Bow Reel
A type of fishing reel that is attached to the bow, this enables you to do bowfishing.
Bow Scale
Is a type of scale that is used to help you to learn the draw weight of a bow
Bow Sight
Placed on the riser just above the arrow rest, this device is used by archers to aim at the target. It can be adjusted side to side and up and down, depending on where your arrow landed on the target.
Bow Sling
Is a strap that connects to the thumb and the second finger of the archer, although some do fasten to the bow. If the archer shoots without gripping the bow, this strap stops it from falling onto the floor.
Bow Square
Is used to help place the nock location and determine brace height.
Bow Stave
Is a long piece of wood, that is then used to make a bow.
Bow String
Is connected to either end of the bow with loops. The bow string is made from either Dacron, Kevlar or Fastflight. It is however not just 1 strand of string but multiple strands twisted together.
Bow Stringer
This device is used on recurve bows to either string the bow or remove the string. It is made from cord which connects to either end of the bow, allowing you to reduce the slack of the bow string and remove safely.
A type of archery that uses bows and arrows to catch fish.
This is a type of archery where the archer hunts game.
The name given to people that makes bows.
Brace Height
Also known as string height, its the distance from the pivot to the string when it has been strung. Prior to being known as brace height, it was also called Fistmele.
The more traditional name for arm guards.
This is a type of arrowhead, its used for hunting and is often sharp and razor bladed.
Archery terms arrow with parts named
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