
Thursday 28 9 2023

Please note the school will be closed on Thursday 28/9/23 due to school strikes so there will be NO archery taking place.
Please email us directly to arrange a refund for this date.


Posted by George in News


Hi everyone, and Happy New Year.


Great news! Our booking system is active and our first session back will be 27th January.  Slots are available to book at either the family or adult sessions for the next three weeks.


We won’t have access to the gym hall during half term on 17th Feb, and the following week will be our AGM.


As we move into 2022 we’re hoping that things will become more settled and we can begin to make plans for LCA.


To start us off we’re planning to run a new instructors course at the end of March and a First Aid course (dates to be confirmed). If you’re interested in either of these and can commit to helping run sessions in the future, we’d love to hear from you.


We’d also love to hear from you if you’re interested in helping run the club or become part of the committee. We’re always looking for volunteers. There’s lots of ways you can help, so please get in contact or speak to any of the instructors.


We’ll let you know more about the AGM soon.


Thanks. The LCA Committee

Posted by George in News

Archery GB magazine

Archery UK winter issue out now – Archery GB

Archery UK winter issue out now

 December 14th 2021
 Vicky Sartain

The digital-only winter issue of Archery UK is now available.

The digital winter issue of Archery UK is now published. The accessible version is also available on the magazine page of our website, along with our Archery UK back issues.

In this edition, we report on the action from the recent National Indoor Championships at Stoneleigh Park, chat to some of this year’s incredible record breakers, discover the martial art of kyudo, make a wish-list from our six-page Christmas gift guide and get some expert tips on buying a bow for the first time. The Practical section also includes fitness advicelongbow carearrows for indoor use, and advice for setting up an indoor range.

We are pleased to confirm that we will be printing two issues of AUK next year, starting with the spring edition (also available as a digital version), published late March. If you have any news, letters or stories you’d like to submit for it, please send to by 1 February.

Posted by George in News

london marathon 2021 with our very own Club Secretary!!!

Best of luck to our Club Secretary CHRIS FOX running for Leith Community Archers in the Virgin Money London Marathon!

Virgin Money London Marathon number 23112

If you want to track his running progress you can download the app

His number is 23112 and you can track the amazing journey he has made so far here:

and finally if anyone wishes to see how much he has raised so far for the charity that is close to his heart you can find it here (and donate too!)


Posted by George in News

Coronavirus information

Official advice from Archery GB in regards to Corona Virus.

The Government has published an action plan to contain the possible spread of the virus.

The latest DCMS guidance advises:

  • That there’s presently no rationale to close or cancel sporting events, but this may change as the situation evolves.
  • Anyone with flu-like symptoms should avoid the risk of spreading their infection, whatever that infection may be, by staying at home and recovering.
  • For those hosting sporting events, whatever their size, attendees and participants should stay up to date on the government’s latest advice on how to avoid catching or spreading the virus.
  • As the situation progresses we might advise the frail, elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions to stay away from gatherings as part of general advice aimed at minimising unnecessary contact with others.
  • For those travelling to sporting events overseas, the Foreign Office’s travel advice should be followed and travellers should note that apart from the countries and territories named in that advice, the government isn’t presently advising against travel to anywhere else.
  • For those who offer community and leisure services, such as running a local football team or running a gym, hand hygiene should be strongly promoted and encouraged and equipment and facilities should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped down as usual following use.

The government is planning to publish specific advice on this shortly. There’s presently no reason people should stop doing their daily sport and physical activities as they normally would. These should be our guiding principles.

As you are well aware, guidance may change in response to events, so please keep a close eye on

Things you can do now to minimise risk:

  • Excellent hand washing regularly through the day plus the use of hand-based gel / foam. Normal soap is incredibly effective in destroying the cell membrane of the virus and killing it immediately. In fact, it reduces risk by 54% if you do it regularly and do it well. Dry hands thoroughly afterwards with either disposable paper towels or a hand drier.
  • Regular cleaning of common surfaces (door handles, equipment) with normal soap-based detergents, and avoid touching too many public surfaces if you can.
  • Ensure you’re healthy and well. Eat well / sleep well – keep your immune system in top shape.
  • Risk avoidance – be mindful of public spaces e.g. supermarkets, restaurants, shopping malls etc. and avoid people who are coughing / sneezing.
  • Isolation of cases – anyone with respiratory symptoms (dry cough, fatigue, sore throat) and a temperature should self-isolate and contact NHS Direct on 111.

If you are unwell in the UK:

  1. DO NOT go to your health centre, Institute facility or hospital but call NHS direct or NHS 24 on 111 for further advice.

If you are unwell whilst abroad:

  1. Be aware that the status of where you are travelling to may change while you are there. This could impact on your travel back to the UK.
  2. Be aware of how to access medical care abroad. You may be asked to remain where you are and the local healthcare team will come to you to assess your symptoms.

Useful links to regularly updated advice:

World Health Organisation YouTube video:

Department of Health ( UK Government ) will be updated at 2pm daily via

World Health Organisation situation report ( updates )

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Posted by George in News

Aldi Sports fund

Aldi have very kindly donated £500 to Leith Community Archers!

Aldi Sports fund. Thank you!

Local archery club, Leith Community Archers (LCA), has received a £500 donation from the Aldi Scottish Sports Fund. To mark the donation announcement, the archery club, based at Leith Academy, were presented with a giant cheque from the local Aldi store manager, Bradley Stevenson.

Pic caption: L-R George Fyvie of LCA, Bradley Stevenson of Aldi and Dave Burnett of LCA.

Local archery club, Leith Community Archers (LCA), has received a £500 donation from the Aldi Scottish Sports Fund. To mark the donation announcement, the archery club, based at Leith Academy, were presented with a giant cheque from the local Aldi store manager, Bradley Stevenson.

Pic caption: L-R Amy Fyvie aged 13, Heather Nicolson, David Holm, Bradley Stevenson of Aldi, George Fyvie and Aaron Brand aged 7

Neil Hanna Photography
07702 246823
aldi donation
Posted by George in News

AGM 28.01.2020

Dear All


Please find below the minutes and details of office bearers for Leith community archers session beginning 28.01.2020

Leith Community Archers
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 28 th January 2020
In Attendance:
Dave H, Jude, Louis, Luke, Dean, Heather, Maciek, Nikoleta, Stuart, Ryan, Keith, Kath, Dave B, Ross, Eleanor
1. Chairperson Report – Dave B
2. Treasurer Report – George
3. Election of committee members for 2020/21 season.
4. AOB

1. Chairperson Report Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and for their continued support with the running of the club, over the past year. This year LCA have successfully managed to:
– Attach the wall rings which support the net. This increases the shooting distance in the hall to 18m.
– Become members of Archery GB. This allows members to progress with the sport and enter competitions, if they wish to do so. This can be as a solo competitor or, as part of an LCA team. There is a small fee for adults but membership is free for children.
– Secure more grants for the club. Attendees thanked George for his continued success with fundraising applications.
The Chairperson encouraged members to continue to support the running of the club but particularly in relation to equipment set up and, take down of equipment. Members were asked to consider volunteering for additional training in equipment maintenance. Members should express their interest to Eleanor, Jude or Dave B who can provide tuition.

2. Treasurer Report Treasurer reports that the club has been progressing well in recent years. LCA is now registered for Gift Aid with HMRC. This adds an extra 20% on to any donations we receive. This additional money will cover the majority of the hall fees, going forward. Attendees were provided with club membership forms and gift aid forms (also available on website).
A general overview of the last financial year was provided. The club has, for the second year in a row, made a profit (this year £1363.44). The club currently has over 12k in the bank account but we are holding 4k of this on behalf of, The Socks on The Street Project.
The treasurer was asked to provide more information on the expenditure figure and broke it down as follows: Rental £1633, Insurance £270, Coach Training and Renewals £1300, website development £157, competition prizes £20.
A question was raised about rental costs and treasurer reports that Edinburgh Leisure have committed to maintain the current rental fees. However, this will always be subject to change.
There was a general discussion about membership fees (for LCA and Archery GB) and the constitution of the club. The chair and treasurer reiterated that the club wants to remain accessible for all, and so, arrangements can be made for those on lower incomes.
Treasurer confirmed that LCA could continue to operate for 3 more years if no additional income was secured.
A full set of the accounts can be viewed on the website, along with last year’s for comparison.

3. Election of Committee Members for 20/21 season.
The people listed were proposed and seconded in the following roles:

Chairperson (Trustee): Eleanor Happs
Vice Chair : Kath Fyvie
Treasurer (Trustee): George Fyvie
Secretary (Trustee) : Position not filled.
Bookings Officers : Dean Rougvie & Nikoleta Georgakopoulou
Social Media Officer : Ryan Harrison

Website officer : Keith Murray
Equipment Officer : Dave Holm & Maciek Samulski
Welfare Officer : Luke Griffiths

There was a brief discussion about splitting the role of fundraiser and treasurer again but no decision was made. Every member is encouraged to participate with fundraising for the club.

4. AOB a. Attendees were asked to consider volunteering for coaching training. Individuals should give their name to Eleanor if they would like a place on the course. This is a 2 day accredited course, run over the course of a weekend (likely spring time). Course fees will be paid for by LCA with the expectation that qualified coaches will volunteer to assist with club shooting sessions.
b. General discussion about membership and what the breakdown was in relation to the number of children and adults attending. Although, a record of attendance is kept, this has not been collated into statistical info. An estimate of children 40% and 60% was provided with general agreement that the number of children attending appears to have decreased. This was, in part, attributed to the long waiting list which was put into operation when the club reached its ‘safe shooting’ capacity (8 targets with 2 shooters/target).
c. It is hoped that the appointment of a dedicated bookings officer will address the ongoing issues with waiting lists/capacity etc. A few suggestions were put forward (additional evening shoot, separate child/adult shoots, online booking system) but the chairperson reminded people of the implications that this had on volunteer time/limiting accessibility etc. Members were encouraged to explore and move forward with alternative options to manage club membership numbers more effectively.

d. Suggestion that we would explore another outdoor shooting session in the summer for all members – With support, Dave B will organise this
e. It was recommended that coaches are trained in mental health awareness in order that they are more fully equipped to identify and manage a range of mental health conditions. St John’s Ambulance have a Training Centre at Dock Place in Leith. First Aid for Mental Health certificate. Welfare Officer to explore further.
f. Suggestion that the coaches get together for a refresher course so that consistency in practice is upheld. All registered coaches and regular assistants to arrange and attend.

Posted by George in News

Archery AGM and forms

Our AGM is taking place on Tuesday 28th January 2020 in Leith Academy School Canteen at 6.30pm


Safeguarding Policy

We wish to appoint the roles of:


Vice Chairperson,



Vulnerable persons safety officer,

Social Media co-ordinator,

Bookings and rota co-ordinator,

Equipment Quartermaster,


Posted by George in News

AGM date for your diary

Our AGM will be taking place on Tuesday 28 January at 6.30pm

At our AGM all committee members resign and if they wish to stand again then they must be proposed and seconded the same as anyone else.

If there is more than one person going for the same role then it is a majority vote.

The previous years chair will be deciding factor in a tie (secretary in case of the chair).

Any other member may stand for a committee role.

We will be meeting in the Canteen area of Leith Academy school.

Our normal archery session will be on Thursday as per normal.

Leith Community Archers membership form  Please find a downloadable membership form here.

Membership is done from Jan to December.  A full year is £12 from January, if you joined in June it would cost £6 and if you joined in December it would be £1.

The suggested donation on the evening is:

Suggested donations:

  • Family sessions: child £1
  • Family sessions: adult £3
  • Adult sessions: £5

All of our coaches and committee are volunteers and all money donated goes towards the running cost of the club such as rental, repairs, insurance and new equipment.


Anyone who wishes to undergo coach training, please let us know for when we arrange training for this year.

Posted by George in News